DepartmentCold chain logistics

Transport of thermolabile drugs

Mikhail Matosov

Head of the Department

Write to us

To be always faster and more reliable head and shoulders above the competition. Do not settle for half-measures. This is the key to success. And that's what characterizes us.

Deliver thermolabile drugs in strict compliance with the cold chain

Have its own licensed warehouse for thermolabile drugs, valid fleet, accredited by the leading foreign and domestic manufacturers of vaccine.

We provide services for transportation, forwarding, re-packing termolabilnyh drugs with the observance of the Cold chain. Considerable experience, trained personnel and a high level of technical equipment allows us to accurately and timely fulfill the tasks set before us!

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Services for the transport of thermolabile drugs

The company "Union "RusTeleMed" (working under the name of RTM-logistics), provides services in transportation, forwarding, re-packing termolabilnyh drugs with the observance of the Cold chain. Considerable experience, trained personnel and a high level of technical equipment allows us to accurately and timely fulfill the tasks set before us!

RTM-logistics part of the group of companies "Formed" and is a General carrier of immunobiological preparations Diversified medical company "Formed"

Объединение РусТелеМед - РТМ Логистика - перевозки термолабильных препаратов автомобильным и авиатранспортом

Our fleet

Own fleet equipped with all the regulation instruments of regulation and constant monitoring. Is an annual verification.

Special offers

Every 5th shipment is free!

Offer valid until 31.12.2017

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