
DMC ForMed is a reliable partner in the medical business

We provide supplies of immunobiological drugs, express tests and consumables based on collagen. We have our own, validated by world and domestic manufacturers of vaccines, a cold chain, including a fleet of special vehicles. We manufacture and sell mobile medical complexes and medical equipment.
Every day we clearly fulfill the tasks set before us, promoting domestic medicine to a qualitatively new level. We highly value strong partnership relations, proving this in daily practice. Most of the earned funds we invest in development.


17.12.2024Вакцины и сывороткиС наступающим Новым Годом!

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09.10.2024Вакцины и сывороткиУважаемые коллеги! Приглашаем Вас принять участие в V Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Современная иммунопрофилактика: вызовы, возможности, перспективы»

16.09.2024Вакцины и сывороткиПриглашаем принять участие в IX Национальном конгрессе бактериологов 17-19 сентября 2024 года, посвященном 50-летию ФБУН «Государственный научный центр прикладной микробиологии и биотехнологии»

Team of professional

For us there are no impossible tasks

Write to us!

A team of professionals from a diversified medical company "ForMed" will instantly respond to the appeal and begin to fulfill the assigned tasks.
For us there is nothing insurmountable!

We work in strict accordance with international and Russian standards, we have all the necessary certificates. We provide service and guarantees.


Geography of activity

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